Saturday, October 24, 2009

BIZZARRE NEWS: Ice Skating Bear Kills Russian

I was sent to a story today about a circus bear in eastern Europe who had been trained to ice skate. The story wasn't about the ice skating though, apparently the bear got tired of acting like Brian Boitano and doing tricks for people.
The bear turned on both his trainer and the circus's administrator, causing injury to the trainer. The administrator was not so lucky, after almost completely losing a leg to the animal, he was dragged by the neck across the ice and eventually died.

I'm thinking that perhaps this is a hint that we shouldn't be training animals such as bears to do things like ride bikes and use ice skates.
I mean, whats next?
Are we going to train grizzlies to use rifles and drive tanks? I know what you're thinking, "An army of bears would be awesome, everyone would fear them!", but consider what happens when they turn on us! Im fairly sure that is a war you don't want to fight.
Here is a link to the original story.

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