Saturday, October 31, 2009


Having preordered our copies of Left 4 Dead 2, which comes out November 17, a friend and i have been playing through and talking about the single player mode of the demo version. Here is why we think you should check it out.

The Zombie Apocalypse v2.0 has arrived!

evil pirate ned: LEFT 4 DEAD 2 discussion time!
evil pirate ned: the opening trailer is great. Not that I expected anything less.

head hobo: so aside from the trailer, what'd you think?

evil pirate ned: loved it. knew i would. and did

head hobo: inorite?
head hobo: did you get to play with any new weapons? Other than the obvious guitar

evil pirate ned: i used the ak47 a bit. it seemed kind of light powered for an assault rifle. and i used the guitar and night stick a bit. Other than that I stuck with my trusty shotgun.

head hobo: the ak is amazing, but its a little less accurate then the M16

evil pirate ned: I thought the AK was good. but having fired an actual AK, i think it was kind of under powered (granted i was not shooting at the face of a pissed off zombie the last time i used one)

head hobo: I thought they did a good job with it. Its more powerful than the M16, but a little less accurate
head hobo: the combat rifle looks like it will be a badass gun in the game too
head hobo: did you get the chance to toss a pipe bomb?

evil pirate ned: yeah i used a pipe bomb and a molotov. i didnt notice much difference in the molotov. but the pipe bomb almost seemed less effective, like more of the ai ignored it.
evil pirate ned: what did you think

head hobo: it depends whats going on
head hobo: sometimes the zombies wont hear the pipe bomb
head hobo: but I love the flying zed chunks and blood

evil pirate ned: definitely. the graphical updates were great

head hobo: the chunks of zombie everywhere?

evil pirate ned: yeah the changes they made to the impact of explosions and bullets was sweet. i shot the leg right off one and it kept hopping towards me til i face shotted it

head hobo: yeah, the dismemberment and the ai they put with it was awesome

evil pirate ned: I actually had a few problems with ai but that may only be due to demo code. and it wasnt terrible. it was mostly things like zombies running at me backwards or sideways after getting caught up on something. or taking a long insensible path to get to me
evil pirate ned: who have you played as so far?

head hobo: Nick

evil pirate ned: yeah so did i. all the character models looked really good though.
evil pirate ned: im gonna go through later and see if i can hear more of the comments between different characters, the only ones i really caught first time through were the ones between ellis and Rochelle.

head hobo: yeah, the dialogue Ive heard so far is pretty good
head hobo: also the safe room grafitti is a blast as always

evil pirate ned: yeah that’s one of my favorite parts of the original is reading the saferooms. i liked the comment at the first safe house in the parish about how someone needed to start hiding the pens

head hobo: yeah
head hobo: did you noticed they added a resurrection item to the game?

evil pirate ned: no. the only real item i noticed that was new was the adrenaline shots which i knew about ahead of time

head hobo: they added a defibrillator or whatever those heart paddle things are called
head hobo: the bile bombs are pretty cool too

evil pirate ned: not sure i came across those

head hobo: they look like canisters of ooze from ninja turtles

evil pirate ned: what do they do

head hobo: they are filled with boomer bile, and when you toss them whatever is hit with the bile gets swarmed by infected
head hobo: who after they kill whatever was hit start fighting each other

evil pirate ned: thats pretty cool. i definitely didnt see those yet
evil pirate ned: i wonder if they work on tanks

head hobo: I'd think so

evil pirate ned: im gonna have to try to find out next time through.
evil pirate ned: i noticed a charger spawn inside the first safe house though so as soon as we ran in we got knocked back out

head hobo: yeah, they like to spawn in the safe rooms now

evil pirate ned: and i was admittedly only playing on normal the first time, but i noticed the charger went down in 3 shotgun blasts. seemed a little easy.

head hobo: the charger is pretty easy to kill, as long as you get him before he gets you

evil pirate ned: yeah i guess i expected him to be more on par with a tank, but im glad he isn’t.

head hobo: the spitter can mess your day up too
head hobo: did you notice the second boomer model?

evil pirate ned: yeah i saw the second boomer skin right before the end. right as i accidentally came around a corner and bludgeoned a witch with my nightstick...

head hobo: did you hear that you can 1 shot the witch with the katana and fire axe
head hobo: if you get her before she freaks out
head hobo: kind of like how we could one shot the witch with the shotty at point blank

evil pirate ned: good to know. Cause the witch is still someone I didn’t enjoy running into.
evil pirate ned: and the spitter is another "easy kill" as long as you kill her quckly. a couple of shots and she was out, but if she got her attack off, especially if it trapped you in a corner, it was bad.

head hobo: yeah
head hobo: did you happen to run into a tank?

evil pirate ned: i saw every zombie time that is in the demo

head hobo: They said each campaign will have one kind of special common infected such as the clown zeds, and the mudmen, and the hazmat guys, and yadda yadda
head hobo: I think for the demo it might have been the riot zeds

evil pirate ned: yeah the riot police were the ones for the demo
evil pirate ned: and those things would not fuckin die

head hobo: yeah, they are immune to attacks from the front

evil pirate ned: not completely immune actually. just incredibly resilient
evil pirate ned: a full shotgun clip from the front will put one down, but it’s a huge waste of ammo

head hobo: I didnt notice that
head hobo: I always just knocked them away and shot them in the back

evil pirate ned: yeah… i never bothered to try knocking them back oddly enough.
evil pirate ned: rofl. "note: in accordance with CEDA emergency management policies, firearm possession is not allowed"

head hobo: Im interested in checking out the new realism mode

evil pirate ned: wanna say anything else on the game?

head hobo: ITS FUCKING AMAZING!!!!
head hobo: is that enough?

evil pirate ned: perfect

the demo is currently available as a download when you pre-purchase your copy of the game. this is a definitely a must play.

-LEFT 4 DEAD series hompage
-LEFT 4 DEAD series wiki page

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